New Release! Humanforce Cloud - Version 6.0.37
We’re excited to bring you the latest Humanforce Cloud update, including:
- Advanced Event Rostering capabilities in Roster Manager to streamline event staffing for any scale
- An alert in Timesheets for insufficient leave so managers can spot issues before payroll
- Search and alphabetical sorting in all Target Field drop downs in Integration Central for faster and easier field mapping.
All Humanforce Cloud accounts, UAT environments and staging environments will be automatically updated overnight on Wednesday, 16th October 2024.
Roster Manager
Management > Rostering > Roster Manager
Early access to advanced Event Rostering capabilities is here! Intelligent, seamless and scalable. In addition to existing Roster Manager capabilities, Event Rostering includes specific features to:
- Create & manage labour groups to schedule a pool of Staff for an event or Job
- Single-day view to schedule and manage large numbers of shifts on a daily basis
- Supports bulk-adding shifts into labour groups
- Option to group by labour groups
To request access, simply submit a request via Humanforce Help to have the feature enabled for your organisation.
For further details on how to use Event Rostering capabilities in Roster Manager, check out Using Roster Manager in Humanforce Help.
We've also resolved an issue in Roster Manager where employees availability status was appearing incorrectly within a shift when clicking on Assign
Management > Timesheets > Timesheets
The permission that allows access to the inline edit function on Pay Start and Pay End fields in Timesheets has been replaced with a new permission, View Timesheet Authorisation Page > Allow Editing > Allow inline editing. All users with existing access to inline edit will retain this functionality.
The issue encountered when sorting timesheets by the Break Minutes column has now been resolved.
Employee Management
Management > Employee > Employee Management
After hearing feedback, we've optimised the Employee Management page layout, allowing the content — especially the table of employees — to expand and use more of the available screen width, so you can manage your employees' details with less side-scrolling.
Reports > Payroll > Pay Comparison Report
The Pay Comparison Report, when set to use the Award payrate, was not applying the correct rate value in situations where the Override Hours method is applied - such as Minimum Shift Length overrides. This has been corrected.
Leave Approvals
Management > Availability > Leave Approvals
We’ve fixed an issue where the Request Details and Approval Details fields displayed the Roster Name of the employee to whom the the leave request related, rather than the people who requested or approved the leave request. This occurred only if employees' Roster Names were set to display in the Leave Approval screen via Settings > Display employee name > Full Name / Roster Name toggle. This was a display error only, and did not impact the data held on the leave record.
Pay Types
Admin > Award Config > Pay Types
If you have configured a Pay Type (such as Parental Leave) to have a negative multiplier, this was not reflected in the dialog that opens when editing the Pay Type. It was appearing as 0.00, which would remove your negative value if saved, however this issue has been resolved so that the negative value is correctly displayed in the dialog.
Payroll Processing
Management > Timesheets > Payroll
In Payroll Processing, you can generate Payrun Reports and preview these in the browser. The date format used in these reports should be controlled by the browser’s language setting, however it was hardcoded to MM/DD/YYYY no matter what language was set in the browser. This has been corrected so that the format is aligned to your browser language setting.
Integration Central
Management > Advanced > Integration Central
All Target Field drop-downs now have a search capability along with alpha-sorting for faster and easier setup of integration mapping. To search, simply start typing the name of the field you need.
All logs accessible via Integrations Central that refer to employees will include an Employee Code, Payroll Code or intelliHR ID for improved troubleshooting.